Little Beacons The Best Start, Says Educator
I love working with children. It's just rewarding to see them learning new things every day
Tayla Hammond
When Tayla Hammond saw a job vacancy last year as an early years educator at Little Beacons learning centre,
she jumped at the opportunity
For Tayla (Class of 2014), it was the chance to return and work at Beaconhills College, the school she attended and enjoyed.
Tayla completed a Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care at Chisholm Institute and had experienced working in other early learning centres.
But she said there were a couple of key benefits of working for Little Beacons at Beaconhills College that became clear after she joined the team.
“The communication is really good,” she said. “It’s the support you get from leadership that’s the standout for me.”
She said Little Beacons, which has centres at both the College’s Pakenham and Berwick campuses, also has the advantage of being located in the grounds of the College. That means there are endless opportunities to give children different experiences without having to go offsite.

For example, even the youngest children are encouraged to experience the sights, smells and sounds of the vegetable gardens. Fresh, organically-grown produce is picked (with the help of the children) and incorporated into the Little Beacons menus. Not surprisingly, the snowpeas and cherry tomatoes rarely make it back to the kitchen!
Tayla adores being an educational leader working with the one and two-year-olds and described the children and their families as “lovely”.
“I love working with children. It’s just rewarding to see them learning new things every day,” she said.